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LOVE 9-1

Love, who love you.
Do not love, who do not love you. Alone sad.
Love is take care of birth, age, disease,death.
Generous love, physical layer.
Implied deep meanings love,feel fine and delicate, spirit layer.
Love is perceive spontaneously, not through explanations.
Male and female love,before man and wife match that is the chase love. Man and wife love, after man and wife match that is the live together love. Man and wife living love, that is lovable
more than natural male and female love.
Ordinary love,take care of a lifetime.
Liang Shan Por and Chu Ying Tai, because they have not clearly to say the love each other, only to hint,the other side do not know the meaning. Last the Liand Shan Por jump down the grave who Chu Ying Tai, then change became into butterflys both to get together again.
It is said that the Milky Way both sides to live a diligent Cowboy and Spinning Damsel. The magpie to build a bridge upon the sky of the milky way at night on Jnly 7, every year,let they pass by trampling upon the bridge, to relieve miss sorrow and sad each other, so the day always rain.

LOVE 9-2

1.To fall in love at first sight, like, in fact it can not to belong to love yet.
2.Single like an idol.
3.You love him.
4.He love you.
5.In love with each other.
6.Love him,protect him,say so bad man?
7.Flatter him,to induce innocent man into bad, say so good man?
8.Which is important between love or bread?
9.Could be love to make the best of an unsatisfactory situation?
10.why divorce is love?
11.Chat friend, romantic attachment,friendship.
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