After work and come
back home, see wife and children, heart very
happy, then have not feel tired.
To blame oneself, sky is clean and earth is
peace. To blame each other, to turn everything
upside down.
Happy way is not that to patient, when husband
drink and quarrel noisily, to consider as have
not to see that, still carry food plain dishes
and praise him. After to accept adversity
Philosophically,the husband mental steady and
bright, give up the angry temper and indulge in
excessive drinking, earnest work also.
Heaven and earth that just as what you think of,
treasure now to have on hand, before feeling
painful, but now feeling happy.
Marriage is ancestors fate root, do not speek
lightly to divorce.
Remember husband and wife relationship, two eyes
shed tears, heart sad.
Husband work to faraway, a good wife who,s soul
to convey a message to mortal through his dream,
to save husband inform in advance.
When young think to rum away home, puberty think
to get married, middle age think to leave home,
old age think come back home.
After marriage, love is
not oneself only, that is family relationship.
After marriage is not attract each other, that
is to support each other.
LADY 3 obey, 4 virtue
3 obey:comply parent in home. married comply
husband, husband died comply son.
4virtue:woman virtue, woman talk, woman duty,
woman facial appearance.
GENTLEMAN 3obey, 4virtue.
3 obey:wife tell what must be hear, obey, to
follow blindly.
4 virtue:wife birthday must be remember, angry
must be patient , cosmetic must be wait, spend
money must be generous.
Mother send daughter the words:To comply father
and mother of husband, and your husband. Stand
the patient matter to pass, can be patient that
shall be happy.
1.Faithful, finance
steady, call on family.
2.Mother is law look son in law, more like more
3.Wedding dress disagree.
4.Furniture disagree
5.Other disagree, suggest please.
6.Engage day correct to be extend date.
7.To break off a marital engagement.
8.Engage and marriage both the same day.
9.Wedding ceremony ready.